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2022年第3期  点击:[]

白新睿 刘逸楠 殷丙山

(北京开放大学 社会教育部,北京 100081)

【摘 要】老年教育是积极应对人口老龄化的重要途径,而社区老年教育是老年教育不断向基层、社区延伸的重要表现形式,是打通老年教育服务“最后一公里”的有效途径。本研究以北京市16个市辖区及燕山地区的社区老年大学(学校)为调查对象,通过标准化问卷和半结构化访谈,从学校数量、学员规模、办学经费、教职工队伍、课程建设等维度构建指标体系,并利用TOPSIS熵权法来对北京市收集到社区老年大学(学校)的相关数据进行综合比较。调查发现,北京市社区老年教育发展不平衡、不充分,覆盖率低且供需矛盾较为突出;办学经费来源单一且人均经费严重不足;师资力量薄弱且专业化程度有待提高;课程资源建设缺乏有效统筹且内容建设有待提升五个方面的不足和问题。对此,从进一步发挥各区主体优势与加大统筹力度、深化社区老年大学(学校)自身建设与改革、完善队伍建设机制与提高队伍专业化水平、加大财政支持力度与拓宽经费来源渠道、汇聚社会教育要素扩大资源供给五个方面提出了建议。


Investigating and Analyzing Elderly Education in Communities in Beijing

BAI Xinrui, LIU Yinan and YIN Bingshan

(Social Education Department, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China)

Abstract: Elderly education is important inactively responding to population aging, and elderly education in communities is an important form of elderly education constantly extending to the primary-level, and an effective way to the last mile delivery of elderly education services. A questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews were conducted to investigate into University of Elderly in sixteen districts and Yanshan area of Beijing. Questions includes the number of schools, scale of students, school running funds, teaching staff, curriculum construction and other indicators. Entropy weight method was used to analysis and evaluate. It was found that problems exist in elderly education development in Beijing, including unbalanced and inadequate development, obvious contradiction between supply and demand, weak teacher resources, single elderly education supply mode and over-dependent on government investment, weak learning resources building capacity. This article put forward some measures to improve elderly education, namely increasing the intensity of area, deepening self-reform of University for Elderly, perfecting the construction of teaching staff, increasing investment in elderly education, and gathering all kinds of social education elements to expand resource supply.

Keywords: elderly education; elderly education in communities; university for elderly; population aging

下载:  北京市社区老年教育发展现状调查与分析.pdf

