(北京师范大学 教育学部,北京 100875)
【摘 要】社区教育是构建服务全民终身学习教育体系的重要一环。经过30多年的发展,我国社区教育从无
Community Education in the Lifelong Learning Context: Functional Orientation and
System Construction
BAO Chuanyou
(Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
Abstract: Community education is the foundation of lifelong education and learning society construction. It has developed rapidly in the
past 30 years and has initially formed an educational network system covering the whole society. In the lifelong learning context, society
community education needs to enlarge its functions to meet various learning needs, namely learning resource center, skill training and
improvement center, family education guidance center and education trusteeship service center. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a
pluralistic community education governance system, to improve the community educational fund guarantee system, to establish a shared
community educational resources system, and to build a mutual credit recognition and evaluation system.
Keywords: lifelong learning; community education; functions
下载: 终身学习背景下的社区教育:功能定位与体系构建.pdf