(北京开放大学 城市管理学院,北京 100081)
【摘 要】我国老年教育实践中存在着老年教育对象判断标准不准确、老年教育教师职责不清晰和老年教育教
The Teaching Objects, Subjects and Methods: Education for the Aged from the Perspective of Knowles
Adult Education Theory
JIANG Guangyu
(College of City Management, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China)
Abstract:Education for the aged practice in China remains several issues, namely inaccurate criteria of education objects, unclear
responsibility of educators, and inappropriate teaching methods& approaches. To clarify the above issues theoretically and to put forward countermeasures, Knowles’adult education theory is introduced in this article. Firstly, criteria of education objects is suggested
to change from three dimensions of physiology, psychology and society, in stead of age itself. Secondly, educators are suggested to set
the role of“learning promotion experts”. Thirdly, teaching approaches for the aged is suggested to rebuild with a new model of
self-directed learning, in stead of copying traditional approaches. It is expected that theoretical exploration of education for the
aged based on Knowles’adult education theory promote theoretical and disciplinary development of education for the aged and
facilitate future practice, especially in indicating the teaching objects, subjects and methods.
Keywords: education for the aged; Knowles; educational theory; adult education
下载: 老年教育“谁来学”“谁来教”及“如何教”.pdf