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2024年第5期  点击:[]


(联合国教科文组织 终身学习研究所,德国 汉堡 20148)

吴亚婕 译

【摘 要】《成人学习和教育全球报告(六)》旨在探索成人学习与教育如何应对和影响全球正在发生的各种快速变化。在《成人学习和教育全球报告(六):概念说明》中陈述了所要实现的目标;不再使用“危机”这种有争议的词语,而是将重点聚焦“快速变化”;数字化(尤其是生成式人工智能的出现)、经济转型(特别是绿色转型)、气候变化以及冲突和冲突后局势这四个关键主题构成了该报告专题部分的核心内容。该报告将提供一个战略框架,用于推进和积极塑造成人学习与教育系统,从而应对这些快速变化。


ALE in Times of Rapid Change: Weathering the Storm or Changing the Weather?—— Concept Note of 6th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

(UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning,Hamburg 20148, Germany)

Abstract:The 6th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education aims to explore how ALE can respond to and shape the rapid transformations occurring globally. Objectives strive to obtain are addressed. Rather than using the contested language of ‘crisis’, GRALE 6 will focus on ‘rapid change’. Four key themes, namely digitalization (notably the emergence of generative artificial intelligence), economic transitions (particularly the green transition), climate change, and conflict and post-conflict situations, will form the core of the thematic section of the Report. GRALE 6 will offer a strategic framework for advancing and actively shaping ALE systems in response to these rapid changes.

Keywords:6th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education;adult learning and education; lifelong learning; adult literacy

下载: 快速变化时代成人学习与教育:是渡过难关,还是改变局面?.pdf

