(江苏开放大学,江苏南京 210036)
【摘 要】开放大学建设需要科研的引领与支撑,需要在研究中探索与推进,科研能力是开放大学作为新型大学的重要内涵与要素。这一切使得开放大学建设中实践与科研的深度融合显得尤为重要和迫切。当前可以从科研理念、科研规划、组织结构、科研队伍、机制激励等方面推进开放大学建设中的实践与科研的深度融合。
On the In-depth Integration of Practice and Scientifi c Research in the Development of Open University
Jin Lixia
(Jiangsu Open University, Nanjing 210036, China)
Abstract: The development of open universities in China needs scientifi c research supports, as a means of explorations and operation of the system. Such research means in-depth integration of practice and scientifi c research . This paper takes the view that measures can be adopted from scientifi c consciousness raising, scientifi c planning, organization infrastructure construction, scientifi c research team building, motivation mechanism construction, to promote the in-depth integration of practices and scientifi c research of open university development.
Keyword: Open University;practice;scientifi c research;in-depth integration