(国家开放大学 外语教学部,北京 100039)
【摘 要】在终身教育时代,学分银行已经成为破解众多教育问题与“瓶颈”的重要制度设计和操作工具。作为从事开放远程高等教育“主力军”的开放大学也肩负起了建设学分银行的重担。本文首先厘清了开放远程高等教育的译名之误和学分累积与转换的内涵,简要分析了资历框架、学习成果认证和学分银行三者之间的关系,重点阐述了以联合国教科文组织为代表的国际组织在对非传统学习模式学历学位互认上的政策与原则,解释了欧洲学分转换系统和英国学分累积与转换的历史沿革。最后,指出了国外学分累积与转换实践对我国开放大学学分银行的启示,并为我国学分银行的下一步建设提出了建议。
Implications of Foreign Credit Accumulation and Transfer Practices for the Construction of Credit Banks of Open Universities in China
LIU Yongquan
(Department of Foreign Languages Study, Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China )
Abstract:In the era of lifelong education, credit banks have become an important institutional design and operational tool in solving many educational problems. The Open University of China (OUC), as the main institution of open and distance education, has also taken on the responsibility of building a credit bank. This article firstly clarifies the translation of Open and Distance Education and the meaning of Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT), briefly analyses the relationship between the qualifications framework, the accreditation of learning outcomes and the credit bank. It then elaborates the policies and principles of international organizations represented by UNESCO on the mutual recognition of qualifications and degrees in non-traditional learning modes, and explains the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the British Credit Accumulation System (BACS). It also explains the history of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the credit accumulation and transfer in the UK. Finally, it points out the inspiration of foreign credit transfer and accumulation practices to the OUC Credit Bank, and makes suggestions for the next step of credit bank construction in China.
Keywords:credit accumulation and transfer; open university; credit banks
下载: 国外学分累积与转换实践对我国开放大学学分银行建设的.pdf