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2022年第3期  点击:[]


(联合国教科文组织,法国 巴黎 75352)

吴亚婕 张春华 吴莎莎 孙一丹 编译

【摘 要】由于人工智能技术代表了全球K-12学校的一个新主题领域,政府、学校和教师在界定人工智能能力并设计人工智能课程时缺乏经验。本次摸底调查通过问卷调查、访谈等方法分析现有K-12教育中政府审核批准的人工智能课程,包括课程开发和审核机制、课程整合与调整、课程内容、学习结果与课程实施。研究分析发现,主要考虑的因素包括指导未来扶持政策的规划、国家课程或机构研究方案的设计以及人工智能能力发展的实施战略。通过对全球政府审核批准的人工智能课程设计、内容和实施现状的摸底,有助于我们对K-12阶段人工智能教育的理解。报告旨在鼓励创建支持性工具和框架,以实现人工智能能力指导框架的开发。


K-12 AI Curricula:A Mapping of Government-Endorsed AI Curricula 

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris 75352, France)

Abstract:As AI technology represents a new subject area for K-12 schools worldwide, there is a lack of historical knowledge for governments, schools and teachers to draw from in defining AI competencies and designing AI curricula. This mapping exercise analyses existing AI curricula with a specific focus on the curriculum content and learning outcomes, and delineates development and validation mechanisms, curriculum alignment, the preparation of learning tools and required environments, the suggested pedagogies, and the training of teachers. Key considerations are drawn from the analysis to guide future planning of enabling policies, the design of national curricula or institutional study programmes, and implementation strategies for AI competency development.

Keywords:AI curricula; K-12; learning tools and pedagogies; curriculum content and learning outcomes

下载:    K-12阶段人工智能课程.pdf

