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2017年第4期  点击:[]

(青岛广播电视大学 导学科研处,山东 青岛 266012)

【摘 要】开放教育优势在于跨越时空限制和实现教育公平,我国地域间发展不均衡,使开放教育学习者特征存在显著差异。国内对于开放教育学习者特征的研究相对滞后,特别是实证研究近年才有改观,但相关的质性研究还相对薄弱。本研究采取质性研究手段,对开放教育基层学习者进行访谈,借助NVivo11软件,对学习者特征及学习体验展开分析研究。研究发现及相关建议:考试考核是学习者的集中关切,本、专科学习者关注各有侧重;加强学习者数字化学习素养必要且迫切;提高平台的用户友好度、融合度,实现一站式服务和泛在学习融通刻不容缓;需通过形成性考核,促进真实良性的学习行为发生和发展,同时有效引导学习互动;对于学习动机和学习困难中一定范围内存在的普遍性要素,客观上需要集约性引导和针对性帮助;学习策略的引导和培养,对于开放教育学习者仍然是必需的。
【中图分类号】G728 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2096-1510(2017)04-0039-13

A Qualitative Study on Learner’s Characteristics and Learning Experience:From the Perspective of
Central City TVU’s Branch School in A Central City
SUN Zhiguo
(Qingdao TV & Radio University, Qingdao 266012, China)

Abstract: The overt merits of distance and open education (DOE) lie primarily in the freedom of time and space and its equitable access.However, due to China’s imbalanced regional development, there exists significant variation among on-line learners. Research on China’s DOE learners has comparatively lagged behind. Only in recent years do relative empirical studies with cross-regional large specimens emerge and continued quantitative studies. Comparatively, qualitative studies of China’s DOE learners are still blank. Our research applies the qualitative study method, collects data from vis-à-vis interviews, and employs NVivo11 software to analyze learners’characteristics and learning experience. The findings and suggestions include: assessment and evaluation is DOE learners’ mostfelt concerns; the enhancement of learners’ digital learning competence is both essential and stringent;the improvement of learning platform’s user-friendliness, fusions of various functions, and the realization of one-stop service and U-learning are admit of no delay; formative assessment would be effective in the promotion of real and benignant learning behavior, meanwhile learning interaction should be guided; for the catholicity of learning motivation and learning disability, intensive guidance and targeted assistance should be implemented; the guidance and cultivation of learning strategies is still essential for DOE learners.
Keywords: Distance and Open Education (DOE); central city; learners’ characteristics; learning experience; qualitative research; basic level of CRTVU; NVivo 11

下载:    开放教育基层学习者特征与学习体验_省略_究_以某中心城市电大基层分校为例

