张晓红1 久保田真弓1 久保田贤一1 李克东2
(1.关西大学,日本 大阪 569-1095;2.华南师范大学,广东 广州 510631)
【摘 要】培养儿童的思维技能是当前义务教育阶段的探索性教育目标。为了促进教师在思维技能培养领域的专业性发展,一方面教师要不断学习新的教学策略,对接新的教学目标;另一方面,教师需要根据思维技能课堂的复杂性和多变性,开展“行动中的反思”。作为一项个案分析,本研究使用文化心理学的质性分析方法,即复线轨迹等效性模型,从反思实践家的视角,对1名具有代表性的小学教师如何应用思维工具开展学生高阶思维技能培养实践进行了发展过程分析。研究发现,该教师从参加培训到能够开展培养学生的高阶思维技能课,经历了初期学习、课前反思、课后反思、目的反思、批判性观点的获得、行动中的反思6个阶段。其中对应用思维工具的“目的反思”阶段与“批判性观点的获得”阶段是该教师发展过程中具有质的飞跃的重要阶段。这两个阶段的发展源自于大学专家的专业性指导以及与异质性的国外小学教师的思想碰撞。
A Case Study of a Teacher’s Refl ection when Using Thinking Tools
ZHANG Xiaohong1, Mayumi Kubota1, Kenichi Kubota1 and LI Kedong2
(1.Kansai University, Osaka 569-1095, Japan; 2.South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China)
Abstract: In teaching students from obtaining more knowledge to nurture higher-order thinking skills, teachers need to acquire new teaching strategies and conduct refl ection-in-action based on students’ thinking activities. Using a case study, this paper attempted to clarify how a Chinese primary school teacher used thinking tools (TT) to improve children’s thinking skills from the perspective of a refl ective practitioner. Trajectory Equifi nality Modeling (TEM), an approach of Cultural Psychology, was used to analyze the developmental process of the representative teacher. The author found that the teacher’s refl ections could be divided into the following six stages: (1) learning about thinking tools, (2) reflecting before a lesson, (3) refl ecting after a lesson, (4) realizing the purpose of using TTs, (5) obtaining critical viewpoints, and (6) refl ecting on the lesson. Her professional development was based on all six stages but the fourth and fi fth stages were the turning points for her refl ection in the process of change. Social guidance, special support from Chinese educational experts, and critical viewpoints obtained with foreign primary teachers were factors that impacted her refl ection on the fourth and fifth stages.
Keywords: refl ective practitioner; thinking tools; higher-order thinking skills; trajectory equifi nality modeling; qualitative analysis