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2019年第5期  点击:[]

黄德铭 李锦昌

(香港公开大学,香港 999077)

张馨邈 译

【摘 要】本论文从教学模式角度探讨大规模开放在线课程(MOOCs)为语言学习提供的机遇及其面临的挑战。MOOCs自2008年推出并逐渐兴起以来,被认为具有良好的教育发展前景,它们可以同时向大量学习者提供教学。目前MOOCs采用的主要教学模式是向学习者提供短视频及阅读材料进行自主学习、在线讨论(主要是学习者之间的课程内容讨论)以及自动评分的测验或考试,采用这种教学模式的MOOCs称为xMOOCs。然而,语言学习一般认为最重要的是提升语言技能,xMOOC教学模式对于语言学习的成效因而受到质疑。本研究分析语言学习类MOOCs的概况,包括从主流MOOC平台选取的123门语言学习类MOOCs,并根据课程采用的教学材料和学习活动类型对其教学模式进行分析。研究结果显示,这些MOOCs主要是教授英语的课程,其中80%的课程学习时长在6小时之内。大部分课程采用典型的xMOOC教学模式,其学习活动主要包括观看视频、阅读文本材料和进行自动评分测试。少于一半(43%)的课程设有在线讨论的学习环节,但其中仅有28%的课程有教学指导者参与讨论。尽管在技术上优化了课程模式,但目前语言学习类MOOCs与传统的语言学习远程课程在教学模式上没有明显的差异。然而,不可否认的是,计算机技术支持的语言学习以及MOOCs的庞大学习者群体形成的虚拟学习社区,为学习者提升语言技能提供了机遇。


A Profi le of Massive Open Online Courses for Language Learning: A Pedagogical Perspective

Billy T.M. Wong and Kam Cheong Li

(The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 999077, China)

Abstract: This paper examines the opportunities and challenges of massive open online courses (MOOCs) for language learning from a pedagogical perspective. With the capacity to deliver teaching to a vast number of students simultaneously, such courses have been regarded as one of the most promising directions for education development since they were fi rst introduced in 2008. The present mainstream pedagogy of MOOCs-referred to as the xMOOC model-typically involves the provision of short lecture videos and reading materials for self-study; discussion forums, mostly for peer-to-peer interaction on course content; and machine-graded quizzes or exams for self-assessment. However, for language learning, which has been conventionally understood as skill development, the effectiveness of the xMOOC model has been questioned. This study profi led MOOCs for language learning, including a total of 123 courses selected from the major MOOC platforms. The pedagogy adopted in these courses was analyzed according to the types of teaching materials and learning activities involved, with English being the most common language taught in them. Over 80% of the courses take no more than six hours to complete. Most of these courses follow the typical approach of xMOOC delivery, with video watching, reading, and auto-graded assessment being the most common learning activities. Less than half (43%) of the courses included discussion as part of learning, and instructors were involved in the discussion in only about 28% of them. The fi ndings show that, despite the technological advances in course delivery, current MOOC offerings for language learning do not differ substantially from conventional distance language learning. Yet, it cannot be denied that the utilization of computer-assisted language learning technology, and the massive student base of MOOCs for creating a virtual social community, are opportunities for developing learners’ language profi ciency.

Keywords: MOOCs; language learning; pedagogy

下载:  基于教学模式视角的语言学习类大规模开放在线课程研究.pdf

