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2022年第1期  点击:[]

缪晶晶 王 帆 李昊鹏

(江苏师范大学 智慧教育学院,江苏 徐州,221000)

【摘 要】在大规模在线学习中,小群体网络结构从中观视角反映出学习者之间社会交互、资源分配、知识流动的特点,对促进个体和集体学习绩效有重要意义。本文以2017年至2020年开设的一门大型定制MOOC为实验场域,利用社会网络分析法和内容分析法研究学习者自发形成的小群体网络结构特征和演化规律。研究发现存在轮式、环式、Y式和山式四类小群体网络结构,并分别从组织关系特征和知识建构水平两个维度进行差异和演化分析。研究认为不同学习主题类型直接影响网络结构的形成与发展;四年内存在网络结构发展的“沉寂期”,是采取干预策略的关键阶段;中心成员的学习能力影响网络结构的知识建构水平;不同网络结构的生长能力具备差异,环式和Y式需要重点关注。最后,研究结合大规模在线学习场域提出优化建议:即针对轮式结构,提供学习支持,形成深度对话;针对环式结构,促进双向交互,提供学术指导;针对Y式结构,建立角色任务,优化交互联结;针对山式结构,整合研讨资源,发挥中心优势。


A New Perspective on the Efficiency of Large-scale Online Learning: Characteristics and Evolution of the Network Structure of Small Groups

MIAO Jingjing , WANG Fan and LI Haopeng

(School of Wisdom Education , Jiangsu Normal University , Xuzhou 221100, China)

Abstract:In large-scale online learning, the network structure of small groups reflects the characteristics of social interaction, resource allocation, and knowledge flow between learners from a mesoscopic perspective, which is of great significance to promote individual and collective learning performance. This article took large-scale customized MOOC from 2017 to 2020 as the experimental field, and used social network analysis and content analysis to study the characteristics and evolution of the network structure of small groups of learners spontaneously formed. Four types of small group network structures are found: wheel, ring, Y and mountain, and differences and evolution from the two dimensions of organizational relationship characteristics and knowledge construction level are analyzed. Different learning topic types directly affect the formation and development of network structure; the “silent period” of network structure development within four years is a key stage for intervention strategies; the learning ability of core members affects the level of knowledge construction of network structure; the growth ability of different network structure is different, and the ring type and the Y type need to be paid attention to. Finally, this article put forward optimization suggestions: for the wheel type structure, provide learning support and form in-depth dialogue; for the ring structure, promote two-way interaction and provide academic guidance; for the Y type structure, establish role tasks and optimize the interaction connection; for the mountain type, integrate research resources and give full play to the central advantage.

Keywords:large-scale online learning; small groups; group network structure; SNA

下载:  大规模在线学习增效新视角:小群体网络结构特征与演化.pdf

