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2024年第2期  点击:[]

苏 绚

(汕头开放大学,广东 汕头 515041)

【摘 要】为了厘清面向老年人的数字技术教育中,老年学员对数字技术课程的持续学习意愿问题,本研究通过对汕头市区某老年智能手机班学员进行一手访谈资料的收集,以扎根理论对资料进行文本分析与三级编码,梳理并深入分析编码间的关系,建构老年人数字技术持续学习意愿机制,寻找老年人数字技术持续学习意愿的影响因素。发现价值及心理韧性是可调整的影响因素,进而结合自我决定理论,从供给侧角度讨论如何提升老年人对数字技术课程学习的价值感知。


What Affects the Elderly's Stay or Leave in Learning of Digital Technology: A Qualitative Study

SU Xuan

(The Open University of Shantou, Shantou 515041, China)

Abstract: To understand elderly’s continuous learning willingness in a digital technology course in digital technology education project, this study put forward interviews among elderly learners in smartphone classes in Shantou City. Text analysis was conducted by three-level coding of the first-hand data based on grounded theory. It aimed at sorting out and deeply analyzing the relationship between codes, constructing elderly’s continuous learning willingness mechanism of digital technology, and seeking its influencing factors. It is found that value and psychological resilience are adjustable influencing factors. Based on self-determination theory, from supply-side perspective, implications of how to enhance the value of elderly’s digital technology learning are then given.

Keywords: elderly education; digital learning; grounded theory; self-determination theory

下载: 什么影响了老年人数字技术学习的去与留:一项质性研究.pdf

