(江苏开放大学,江苏南京 210036)
【摘 要】党的报告提出要“办好网络教育”,对网络教育的发展提出了新的、更高的要求。目前,我国正处在工业化、信息化、智能化趋势交织叠加的时代,网络教育面临着新的发展机遇和挑战。开放大学作为开展网络教育的重要主体之一,在推进网络教育方面,应有自己的独特思考和实践创新,从理论和实践层面推动办好网络教育。
Network Education in the Age of the Superposition of‘Industrialization, Information and Intellectualization’
CUI Xinyou
(Jiangsu Open University,Nanjing 210036,China)
Abstract:The 19th CPC National Congress puts forward a new and higher demand for the development of network education. At present, China is in the era of the superposition of industrialization, information and intelligence, and network education is facing new opportunities and challenges. As an important part of network education, Open University should have its own unique thinking and practical innovation in promoting network education.
Keywords: industrialization; information; intellectualization; network education