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2020年第5期  点击:[]

张岱霞 张纪勇 王想年*

(北京开放大学,北京 100081)

【摘 要】2020年,北京开放大学建校60周年。60年来,学校经历了建校创业的艰辛与复校初期的辉煌,在经历过学历补偿的一代人的记忆中,电大给他们留下不可磨灭的印象。60年来,学校主动适应经济建设和社会发展的需求,提供多层次、多形式的开放式教育服务,在不懈的探索中迎来了快速发展与提升,成为首都高等教育的重要组成部分;学校紧跟信息技术的发展,不断探索远程开放教育的规律,形成鲜明的办学优势和特色,为首都人才培养做出了重要贡献。现阶段,学校正满怀信心地迈入转型时期的新征程,坚持终身教育的服务方向,坚定面向公众的服务定位,以为首都培养应用型人才为己任,为首都学习型社会建设提供重要支撑,为首都市民终身学习提供优质服务。


Orienting Lifelong Learning in Beijing and Advance with the Times: On 60th Anniversary of Beijing Open University

ZHANG Daixia, ZHANG Jiyong and WANG Xiangnian*

(Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China)

Abstract: Beijing Open University will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2020. Over the past 60 years, the school has experienced the hardships of building a school and the brilliance of the early days of the school restoration. Open University has left an indelible impression in the memory of the compensated education generation. Over the past 60 years, the university has taken the initiative to adapt to the needs of economic construction and social development, and has provided multi-level and multi-form open education services. Through unremitting exploration, it has ushered in rapid development and promotion, and has become an important part of higher education in Beijing. Keeping up with the development of information technology and exploring the rules of distance and open education, the school has formed distinct advantages and characteristics in running schools and has made important contributions to the cultivation of talents. In the transitional period, the school is on a journey with full confidence. Adhering to the service orientation of lifelong education facing the public firmly, the school regards the training of applied talents as its responsibility, provides important support for the learning society and provides quality services for the lifelong learning of citizens in Beijing.

Keywords: Open University; educational service; lifelong learning

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