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2020年第6期  点击:[]


(天津广播电视大学,天津 300191)

【摘 要】党的十九届四中全会提出构建服务全民终身学习的教育体系,强调“发挥网络教育和人工智能优势,创新教育和学习方式,加快发展面向每个人、适合每个人、更加开放灵活的教育体系,建设学习型社会”的工作要求,为我们全方位办好开放大学赋能加力。天津广播电视大学围绕开放、质量、公平、社会化等关键词,依靠国家和地方政策统筹并给予资金支持,着力体制机制创新,完善系统办学、质量保障和治理制度体系,强化人才、平台和资源建设支撑,提升战略性谋划创新、资源要素组织整合、互联网思维和运用能力,打好学历教育创优提质、社会培训转型升级、社区和老年教育拓展提升的攻坚战,全方位构建服务全民终身学习的教育体系,努力实现建设学习型社会的奋斗目标。


The New Path to Build Open University in New Era:An Interview with the Vice President of Tianjin Radio and Television University 

LIU Zhigang

(Tianjin Radio and Television University, Tianjin 300191, China)

Abstract:The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC pointed out building an educational system in serving lifelong learning for all and emphasized “giving to full play the advantage of online education and AI, innovating teaching and learning methods, promoting the rapid development of more open and flexible education system for every member, and building a learning society”, which provided energy and vigor for running open university in an all–round way. Building Tianjin Radio and Television University focuses on such key words as openness, quality, fairness, and socialization. Relying on national&local policy and funds, we make efforts to innovate infrastructure, improve system operation, quality assurance, strengthen personnel, platform and resource supports, elevate such abilities as strategical plan innovation,

resource and element organization and unity, and Internet idea and its application. We aim to win the battle of academic education quality improvement, social training transformation and upgrade, and community and elderly education expansion. We aim to build an all–round educational system for serving life–long education, and make efforts to reach the target of building a learning society.

Keywords:open university; lifelong learning; learning society

下载:    开启新时代开放大学建设的新征程.pdf

