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2017年第5期  点击:[]

张秋杰 鲁婷婷 王 铟

(北京师范大学 教育技术学院,北京 100875)

【摘 要】科普场馆越来越成为学生非正式学习的重要场所,尤其是科技馆、博物馆对学生的辅助学习发挥了重大作用。结合科普场馆优势和学校教育内容开发的馆校合作的项目、活动越来越多地出现在博物馆、科技馆中。为了更广大的教师与学生能充分地利用这一宝贵的科普资源,更好地发挥科普场馆的教育作用,同时对国内中小学教师学习如何利用科普场馆开展教育活动有所启迪。本文结合国内外科技馆、博物馆馆校结合发展现状,针对国内外优秀科普场馆,重点分析其馆校合作的情况,并提出一些开展馆校结合活动的建议。


【中图分类号】G51 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2096-1510(2017)05-0020-07

Cooperation between Museums and Schools in China and Broad

ZHANG Qiujie, LU Tingting and WANG Yin

(School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

Abstract: Nowadays, popular science museums are becoming important sites for students’informal learning. Museums and the science and technology museums, play a crucial role in students learning programs. More and more collaborative projects and activities which combine the science museum advantages and the contents of school education are conducted in the museums and science and technology museums. To help teachers and students to make full use of precious science resources, to help popular science museums performs a better function, and to inspire the primary and secondary school teachers learn how to fully use science venues to carry out education activitie.This article introduces the development of the cooperation between museum and school both at home and abroad, and analyses the cooperation situation of domestic and foreign outstanding science venues, with some advice put forward.

Keywords: the cooperation between museums and schools;onsite education;informal learning

下载地址:    国内外科普场馆馆校结合研究.pdf

