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2018年第4期  点击:[]

黄 彬 王 丹

(西北师范大学 教育技术学院,甘肃 兰州 730070)

【摘 要】“三通两平台”是实现教育信息化的关键路径,其中“网络学习空间人人通”是促进教学方式与学习方式变革的核心所在。随着“十三五”教育信息化的逐步推进,网络学习空间的建设与应用越来越受到人们的关注与重视,为了厘清网络学习空间的研究现状及发展趋势,以期为今后开展相关研究提供参考,本文采用文献分析法和内容分析法,对核心期刊中有关网络学习空间的文献 及2017年教育信息化优秀案例集进行了梳理,将从网络学习空间的内涵、建设规划、应用效果、评价、问题与对策等方面对其进行论述。


Toward e-learning Space in China: A Literature Review

HUANG Bin and WANG Dan

(College of Education Technology, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China)

Abstract: ‘Three links and two platforms’is the key path to achieve education informatization, among which ‘Internet learning space for all’is the core to promote the reform of teaching and learning methods. Under the background of promoting 13th Five-Year education informationization plan, the construction and application of network learning space attracts more concerns and attentions. This article aims at clarifying the present situation and development trend of network learning space research and providing references for future research. This article adopts literature analysis and content analysis, takes core issue of the journal on literatures of online learning space and generalizes examples from education informatization in 2017. Discussions on this are extended from the perspective of network learning space connotation, construction planning, application effect, evaluation as well as problems and countermeasures.

Keywords: network learning space; content analysis; re search reviewed

下载地址:    国内网络学习空间研究综述.pdf

